


Leviathan is an opinion dynamics model described in (Deffuant et al., 2013).

Try the online version!

The source code is available on our gitlab.

Various Bounded Confidence

Discover the dynamics of bounded confidence models online.

The source code is available on our forge.

Prima Regional Model

You can play with the demo software of the prima regional model developed for the European Project Prima, with the example of the Cantal case study (a French department).


The package Cantal helps to investigate the effects of drying event on metacommunity dynamics in dendritic river networks.


The package EasyABC enables to launch a series of simulations of a computer code from the R platform, and to retrieve the simulation outputs in an appropriate format for post-processing treatments. Four sequential sampling schemes and three coupled-to-MCMC schemes are implemented.


The software GeoPAT provides a spatially explicit tool for prospecting reallocation of cultural patches. According to global and local assessment, several « territorial alimentary project » (named PAT in France) are going experimented. Diagnosis have been done, and in our case cultural surfaces have been quantified for reaching goals defined by the actors implied in the project. With our tool GeoPAT, we try to simulate a set of spatially explicit scenarii compatibles with these agregated goals and the current farming situation. To achieve that, we have developed a multi-objectives sequential optimisation algorithm.


A software tool for developping experimental designs and launching them on simulation models: OpenMole.


A viability kernel approximation library that uses kd-tree-based algorithm Source codeTechnical docReference publication (in press)


Tool for computing viability kernels corresponding policies of actions: KAVIAR .